Expérimentation, Méthodologie et Innovation

Memorandum Of Agreement Parking Manila

In a Facebook post about a group called Motorcycle Rights Organization called a certain user about revoking the unilateral parking lot of Mandaluyong City on certain streets. When you think about it, every car parked on the street is like a plate of cholesterol. The more people use public roads as private parking, the closer we get, so to speak, to a « national stroke. » In addition, the author did not specify whether it was the city or the Barangay government that adopted the regulation. According to Bong Nebrija, the MMDA`s director of transport, Barangay governments cannot set up unilateral road car parks without the green light from the region`s mayor. After receiving the DILG memo, some enterprising Barangay officials quickly embarked without consulting their community on the « unilateral » parking system, ignoring the clear message of the provision that « no parking » is not parking, not « unilateral parking ». Immediately, demonstrations were posted in the streets where residents were invited to park their vehicles on one side, from the 1st to the 15th day, and on the other, from the 16th to the 30th day. Stickers for sale to residents who owned vehicles would allow them to park along one of the streets of Barangay without their make-up. How much did the posters and stickers cost? This scheme is a blow to the game. In addition to being quoted and sanding your vehicle to park illegally along the streets of metro Manila, you will soon be able to pay a very juicy fine. After the allocation of 60 days for municipal units to clear their streets, the DILG should bend to implement its order to the end, to ensure that no corruption returns in the picture, as it already seems to see when printing posters, selling stickers and even charging parking lots, as some Barangays claim. MMDA officials have said that there are at least two metro city shackles, there is no one-sided parking at any time.

If these cities can do it, why can`t others? Here, too, the DILG order does not say « one clear page. » If you park on the street, you expose your car to a lot of damage. If you`re lucky, it`s something as simple as a collision with an open door or a parking accident. Whether your vehicle is insured or not, you must pay the registration fee before you can claim damages. It`s money you could use elsewhere, like parking, gas, or maybe even a good dinner. Illegal parking – in fact garaging – aggravates already important transport and deprives workers, workers and students who rush to work and schools from the advantage of smooth, safe and efficient traffic. All the time, sidewalks have been dispossessed for stalls, offices, extra rooms, dirty kitchens and what is not expropriated. Meanwhile, poor sellers had to sell their goods on the street. With President Duterte`s order to Interior Minister Eduardo Ao in his State of the Union address to remove barriers to public roads and sidewalks, the Ministry of Interior and Local Administration (DILG) immediately issued a memorandum to all mayors and presidents of Barangay.

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