Expérimentation, Méthodologie et Innovation

Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets For Esl

If you are teaching absolute beginners and you have just taught them some basic arrangements, then you should use the missing text as the end of the class review. Or you can use it as a warm-up at the beginning of a class to check the previously covered material. There is nothing like a good `ol yes or no question to see if your students understand about/verb agreement. For example, the time we spend building better sentences with our students is never wasted! And of course, a lot of that is the subject/verb agreement. Use this simple warm-up activity to check the reference and verb chords at the beginning of the teaching. Or as a quick test at the end. The way it works is that you write a series of sentences on the whiteboard or PowerPoint. Some have mistakes, others don`t. In this case, you want to focus on questions of topics and verbs. One of the most common problems I find in my letter is that they have ignored agreement on the subject.

When I give them correction checklists, that`s often the first thing I point out, and I put them in orbit around each case in which it happens. This activity also works very well for auxiliary verbs. Simple phrases are groups of words that express a complete thought and contain both a subject and a verb (predicate). They must correspond to others by number (singular or plural). For example, she stung. One way to make them more valuable and memorable is to delete some of the words. In this case, it is either the verb or the subject. If students read it with a partner, they must also fill in the gaps. It`s going from a kind of useless activity to a much more demanding activity.

In particular, I like to use this activity for irregular verbs. You`re ready? Let`s get to our top 20 tips for themed games and verbs that you can try with your ESL students. Then, each student must make a sentence with a subject and a verb. Some examples: Ah, subject verb agreement. My students in China are having a hard time with that. Any advice or suggestions? I will definitely try some of your games and ideas. Each English sentence must have a subject and a predicate (verb). The subject is the name of the sentence or clause and usually appears before the predicate.

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