If you have any questions throughout the process, I advise you to raise them by emailing EnterpriseAgreement@easternhealth.org.au. Enterprise agreements are negotiated periodically between employees and employers in collective bargaining. The Victorian Association of Health Professionals is working hard with our members to maintain and improve compensation and conditions, including: ALL employees will have the opportunity to vote on the final agreement, whether or not you have appointed a representative. Business negotiations in the Victorian public sector are conducted within the framework of federal labour relations and in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. Negotiations in the Victorian public sector are also conducted within the parameters of the Victorian government`s industrial relations policy. If you wish to appoint someone, including yourself, as an independent representative of the negotiations, send the name, title and contact information of your designated independent negotiator in writing, with your signature and the date EnterpriseAgreement@easternhealth.org.au, so that we can ensure that the named person is involved in the negotiation meetings. You can name yourself if you wish. Public health members will be subject to a salary increase that is expected to begin to be paid on October 1 or after October 1, 2014. The increase is the penultimate in the current agreement and provides […] While each Victorian public health service is a full-fledged employer, many groups of workers (for example. B Nurses and midwives or doctors) have negotiations on businesses across the country, with the support of the Victorian hospital industry with the relevant unions.
The terms and conditions of employment of Victorian public health workers are generally set in collective bargaining. The Victorian health sector employs more than 80,000 full-time equivalents. These include doctors, nurses and midwives, medical scientists, allied nurses, technicians, administrative and office staff, engineers, catering staff, cleaners, gardeners and other workers at more than 100 sites in the state. « Enterprise agreements » (or enterprise bargaining agreements) are enterprise-level agreements between the employer and the worker on the terms of employment. Are you being paid properly? How can you check if your employer has passed on your last pay increase or if you are getting the right pay? The first thing you need to keep in mind is a properly displayed payslip.