The EU recommends a `yes` vote to this agreement, which will make a solid improvement in wages and conditions. The EU will provide further details at the end of the voting process. Please contact your organizer to arrange a visit to discuss the proposed agreement. For more information, visit Newsmonth. The Union is pleased to note that an agreement has been reached between Christian Schools Australia (CSA) on behalf of 46 NSW Christian schools and the Union for a new NSW Christian Schools Teaching Staff Multi-Enterprise Agreement (MEA). We assume that the agreement and the proposed explanations of voting options will be made available to you by your employer in the coming weeks. CSA advises that the process be completed by the end of the school year. The agreement begins seven days after the approval of the Fair Labour Commission (FWC) and expires on 31 December 2020. The IEU strongly recommends that you pass this information on to non-members of your school. As we have seen in this round of negotiations, increased member participation improves the outcome of the negotiations. If each member recruits only one colleague, we will double our strength in your sector. Your colleague will also benefit from professional support and industrial and representation advice.
A new leave regime between nurses and nurses is the most significant change to the proposed agreement. The current plan is a capped accumulation model that provides for 15 days in the first two years of service, then 20 days per year during the third year of service and the next. The accumulation of sick leave is limited to 120 days and applies only to the previous six years of service. This means that the maximum amount would be reduced by each leave during those years. The Union congratulates the members on the result and pays tribute to the chapters that participated in the campaign to improve the provision of new personal/carer leave. A record number of Christian schools responded to the IEU`s request that the MEA be asked to take personal care leave « to be comparable to the personal/caregiver leave in other NSW schools. » We believe that this measure has had a considerable impact on the negotiations which have resulted in significantly improved agreements. All school districts of the NSW have now gone from a high annual level, with a ceiling, to a lower annual fee, with an indeterminate delimitation. Despite the lower annual requirement, there are significant benefits to current accrual accounting. The uncapped system is also important to meet the requirements of National Employment Standards (NES) in the Fair Work Act. These increases are similar to those in other education sectors. They are also significantly higher than the salary increases originally proposed by the CSA for Christian schools.