Expérimentation, Méthodologie et Innovation

Epsb Support Staff Collective Agreement

9.2.7 Professional Improvement Assistance may be provided to a teacher who requests it on an ongoing contract and with two or more years of service with that organization. 17.1.1 Both contracting parties recognize the board`s responsibility to determine the system`s personnel model. b) TEBA and the association may agree to proceed with an arbitration board composed of a single arbitrator instead of a three-member arbitration board. In this case, TEBA and the association will appoint a person who will serve as a single arbitrator within 15 days of operation, in accordance with the agreement reached with a single arbitrator. If it is not possible to agree on the person as a single arbitrator, each party may request in writing that the Director of Mediation Services indicate the required appointment. 1.1 « transaction agreement, » the provincial collective agreements listed below for the period from April 1, 2017: while this collective agreement is concluded in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta, amended from time to time, including, but not limited to, the Alberta Human Rights Act, the Public Education Collective Bargaining Act (PECBA) , the Employment Standards Code and the Employment Relations Act. 1.1 This letter of appeal is made in accordance with Article 8 of the collective agreement (practical conditions). The parties agree that when teachers` teaching time is compressed and current collective agreements are tacit, teachers are given a break from the extra time provided in the table below. The next 0.25 days are rounded for this calculation. Both parties recognize that flexibility is needed to maintain the board schedule, but also to assure teachers that an extension of teaching days can result in a break for teachers.

2.7.1 The association and TEBA may at any time agree to negotiate revisions to the central points of the collective agreement. These changes will come into effect from the date the association and TEBA agree. The union says 7,500 school aid workers have received layoffs across Alberta, and many districts have yet to announce their numbers. 14.6.1 A teacher on leave, pursuant to a deferred leave plan approved by the Board of Directors, has the right, upon return to 14.6.1, to return to school on the same basis as the permanent staff to which the teacher was assigned at the beginning of the leave.

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