Expérimentation, Méthodologie et Innovation

U Of R Collective Agreement

The agreement will be submitted to the U of R Board of Governors on 9 April for final approval. URFA members voted in favour of the four-year agreement reached on 26 March, the last day of mediation. Action on employment would have been possible from 28 March if no agreement had been reached and if the URFA had had a strike mandate. The URFA said that further details of the agreement would soon be made soon. The University of Regina Faculty Association and the Academic Bargaining Committee announced that U of R members have voted in favour of a new collective agreement between the faculty and the school. The agreement includes a new rank for full-time teachers, changes to the master-faculty ratio that, in addition to higher pay, also create the possibility of becoming assistants. This includes increasing pension contributions for members of the defined contribution pension plan. READ MORE: Possible strike because U of R-Administration and URFA fail to reach a new agreement A new collective agreement between the University of Regina and the U of R Faculty Association (URFA) now goes for final approval to the school`s Board of Governors. READ MORE: U of R Faculty Association and university administrator reach provisional agreement. In an April 3 press release, URFA welcomed the new agreement to create a new rank for meeting teachers who teach the equivalent full time. A sensitive point for the URFA during the negotiation process was the low wages for meeting salaries compared to full-time teachers.

The University of Regina Faculty Association (URFA) is the certified bargaining partner for University of Regina staff for principal and part-time employees of administrators, professionals and technicians (TPAs). On February 2, 1978, the trustees of the University of Regina were certified as administrative personnel Group (APG). The APG employed about 50 people. Until October 10, 1986, the GPA was not tied to a larger work body, but at that time, the University of Regina Faculty Association became the exclusive bargaining partner of the Nermann Administrative Group through a request to the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board. As part of this order, the APG maintained its status as a separate bargaining unit, but was represented by the largest organization and was known as the Administrator, Professional and Technical Employees (APT). We currently represent approximately 325 members of this bargaining unit. CUPE 2419 represents students who provide teaching and research support at the university. This news comes after a long negotiation process and the possibility of a strike by the faculty.

The URFA-URFA 2017-2020 collective agreement was ratified by members on 26 February 2018. Other strengths of the URFA include changes in teacher-faculty ratios that create a way for trainers to become assistants and higher contributions for members of a defined contribution pension plan. The teachers of the session are hired by class, but some bear the task of a full-time faculty member. CUPE 5791 includes administrative, corporate and library staff, Facility Operations and Security staff, and scientific and technical assistance groups. The URFA also pointed out that the negotiating team was able to deter the management of concessions, which they described as « a worrying abandonment of research in the university`s vision ».

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