Large migratory fish is a term that has its origin in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. It refers to fish species that migrate marineally and also have a wide geographical distribution and generally refers to tuna and tuna, sharks, marlins and swordfish. Straddling fish stocks are particularly vulnerable to overfishing due to ineffective management systems and non-compliance with fishing interests. The agreement was adopted on 4 August 1995 by the United Nations Conference on Straddling and Large Migratory Fish Stocks and opened for signature on 4 December 1995. It came into force on December 11, 2001. In accordance with Article 36 of the Agreement, the Secretary-General convened a review conference of the Agreement, in accordance with paragraph 16 of its resolution 59/25, four years after its entry into force. The agreement requires the application of the precautionary approach and ecosystem approaches for the conservation and management of straddling and large migratory fish stocks, as well as the compatibility of measures on the high seas and measures for areas under national jurisdiction. The agreement highlights the crucial role of regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements as mechanisms for international cooperation with regard to straddling and large migratory fish stocks. FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing (1. Note from the Secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Straddling and Large Migratory Fish Stocks (1993-1995) The Agreement strives to achieve this goal by creating a framework for cooperation in the conservation and management of these resources. It promotes good governance in the oceans through effective management and conservation of offshore resources, including setting detailed minimum international standards for the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and large migratory fish stocks; Ensure that conservation and management measures for these stocks are compatible and consistent in areas under national jurisdiction and on the adjacent high seas; Ensure that effective mechanisms are in place to ensure compliance and implementation of these measures on the high seas; and recognising the specific conservation and management requirements of developing countries, as well as development and participation in fisheries for the two types of stocks mentioned above.