If you log directly into an Instagram account via your mobile app, users will be informed that « by typing to continue, you indicate that you have read the privacy policy and that you accept the terms of use. » « Comcast now has an agreement with us that would allow it to bring the NFL network to 25 million homes, » he said, adding, « Comcast can now change that without further negotiation. » If the defined terms and definitions are presented in the format of a table, you can use the lead-in: « In this agreement, the following capitalized terms have the meaning that is opposite to them: « The defined term should not be defined halfway by the description it intends to address. This creates ambiguity. Consider the different definition areas when a mention is referred to as an « option indication » in the following examples: There are a number of different ways to ask users to accept the terms of your site, mobile app or desktop. You can also have terms and conditions for your API. The company has already reached an agreement with Hulu, where you can find episodes of several of its most popular shows now. Clickwrap agreements are regularly displayed in software installations where the user must take several steps to display the software`s CLUE agreement before the application can be installed. And on the way out, he lived up to the letter of their agreement. « We have reached an agreement to achieve this and we will continue to work with other parts of the UK to achieve this. » Thus, Elance informs users that their terms of use have been updated. Elance requires users to activate a checkbox to view acceptance of this updated version of the agreement: Another simple click method is to provide a notification near a « Connect » button that informs the user that the user is going through to continue and create an account and log in, accepts related legal agreements: The language of this example is placed near the form fields and the action area ( » Connect »). , but under these fields and buttons. We tried to make some plans, but we could not agree. He advised her to be careful and ask for a copy of the agreement. A user must activate the checkbox to indicate that the user agrees with these agreements, then click on the « Consent and Pursuit » box to let the user know that an agreement is taking place.