3 – Trial Close A process conclusion is a first attempt to close the sale. Finding the process is beneficial for two reasons If the study doesn`t work, you`ll learn from the trial, because clients tell you why they`re not ready when the study works, you`ll have proven your goal to finish selling psychologists have proven that if we mention some positive aspects of clients during the conversation, our attitude to them they will try to act accordingly. What is the impact on incoming calls and phone sales? When you talk to the client, you try to emphasize the importance of an audition by saying, « You are one of our best clients » or « It`s a pleasure to do business with you. » This way, you encourage the customer to be the best customer! Customer dissatisfaction is widespread and increasingly dangerous due to customer empowerment. Although companies are very familiar with the buying habits, revenues and other characteristics of customers that are used to classify them, they know little about the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that cause customers to interact with products, services and brands. But if companies don`t know these subjective experiences and the role of each function in its design, customer satisfaction is more of a slogan than an achievable goal. HiTouch dedicated advisors who help with the initiative. Instead of spending a lot of time defining formal customer experience goals or a detailed plan, the consultants argued for a « rapid prototyping » survey of the best clients. HiTouch officials identified the points of contact they knew had disappointed their main customers. To avoid further incursions, they recognized that customer experience objectives would be required for every step of the value chain. These were to serve the financial objectives of any vertical market while being compatible with the company`s brand image. In the development of a new AIDS drug, Gilead Sciences provides a good example of how a failure to understand the experience and anticipation of the discontent of a segment of consumption can become a failure to reach this segment.